Looking for a lover? The Medium’s got you covered.
It’s that time of year again. With exams, final papers, and pending graduations looming, it’s only natural that everyone’s focus is shifting to what’s really important in our university careers: dating. After all, a Facebook Data Sciences study found that almost 30 per cent “of married college-graduates attended the same college.” That means almost 30 per cent of you have just four years to find your soulmate—the clock is ticking.
To help you navigate the dating scene at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM), we at The Medium have put together a list of pro tips to help you determine who’s in the running for your heart quickly, so you can go back to your second priority—studying—a little faster.
DO – Take first dates to campus eating spots.
We get it—the Davis cafeteria can be way too loud and way too crowded, but there’s no better way to determine whether your potential boo is shallow than bringing them to one of UTM’s many dining locations and seeing if they’ll pay for your dinner. With prices that high, anyone who buys you food without grumbling more than once or twice proves themselves worthy of a second date.
DON’T – Date someone in the same program as you.
Ever wonder why your potential love interest is suddenly asking for study sessions, switching into your lectures, or scouring your laptop when you’re not looking? Chances are, when someone in your program takes a liking to you, they’re not just searching for their other half; they might just be using you as a tutor.
DO – Put an ad out in The Medium.
Having a hard time making it known that you’re on the market? The Medium can fix that! For a small fee, we’ll help you craft the perfect dating profile and place it in the centrefold of the paper, because everyone will be sure to see it there!
DON’T – Date anyone who puts out a UTMSpotted post about you.
It can be flattering to know that someone noticed your cute outfit one day or saw you in class and thought you looked pretty. However, we regret to inform you that anyone posting about all the places they followed you (from a distance) around campus and memorizing every detail of your outfits from the last week may have some underlying stalking problems…
DO – Audit lectures.
While we did tell you not to look for love in your own classes, we think it’s a fantastic idea to continue your search in others. Walk into any lecture hall, sit down next to someone cute, and strike up a conversation! You won’t be marked down for talking in class since you’re not on the attendance list.
DON’T – Date a cat person.
No real reason behind this one, other than that dogs are just better.
DO – Find someone that doesn’t go to UTM.
Ultimately, as you’ll very well know, UTM students can be kind of… well… miserable. You may be better off finding someone who isn’t a student at our campus—after all, 30 per cent isn’t that big of a number. Take a risk, join a dating app. You might just find that your soulmate doesn’t have a TCard, and that’s okay too!