The M’s Playlist: Aia’s Off-beat October

October is the month of midterms. It’s the month of all-nighters, last-minute Halloween costumes, and energy drinks that get you through long lectures. It’s the month that causes burn-out. October is when we desperately wait for winter break and hot cocoa, longing for cheesy Christmas movie nights and fuzzy blankets.

It’s easy to forget to take care of ourselves and fall into the grooves of Frank Ocean and Adele. It sometimes feels like they’re perfectly depicting our current mental states. My go-to sad songs include “Jealous” by Labrinth, and anything by Conan Gray. My favourite song used to be “Pluto Projector,” but the singer of that song—who I will not name—is dead to me. 

Anyway, I believe that music impacts how we feel. Sometimes, sad music makes us sadder, and upbeat music can help us feel invincible. So, pop in those earphones, strut down your hallway, and be prepared to feel like the badass people you already are. Because if celebrities can act as delusional as they are, then why can’t we envision ourselves singing at a concert in front of our adoring fans at 2 a.m. on a Monday. Ha! If that’s delusional, then call me crazy. 

With that, I let my playlist tell its narrative.

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