Welcome to In Touch — Editor’s Note
When life rushes by, it’s easy to feel a looming sense of disconnect—between our families, with ourselves, and with the world around us. Sometimes, all we need is a reminder that connections exist everywhere. Whether it is the bond between two atoms, a kiss between two lovers, a story passed down through art, or a smile between strangers—even the smallest interactions bring people together.
At the start of Volume 48, the themes for our two magazines came simultaneously, like a set of complementary equals. The ‘Moving Still’ magazine, published in November 2021, explored how people perceive, experience, and thrive in isolation. It was clear that we all had different relationships with isolation, and that isolation was neither good nor bad. As the antithesis to our first edition, we now invite you to the ‘In Touch’ magazine, which untangles the invisible threads of connection coursing through our everyday lives.
One example of disconnect can be viewed in those who experience dissociation and struggle to make sense of reality, as read in Manjot Pabla’s story, which utilizes printmaking as an analogy for healing. Sometimes, the disconnect is experienced between oneself and society, as illustrated by Aroni Sarkar, who tells a tale about growing up amongst diverse cultural identities. Other times, speech disorders make communication with our loved ones difficult, which Dalainey Gervais explores in a personal essay reflecting on the experiences of her cousin and brother.
One of the only constants in life is change, which Juliana Stacey distinguishes through two romances sparked 70 years apart, transformed through technology. In her poem, Paige France calls us to embrace our differences and realize that we cannot move forward without each other. Julia Skoczypiec turns down the volume of distractions and encourages us to listen to the rhythms of life. And finally, in our pieces, we explore the tension within immigrant families, and how art can be the power that unites us all.
We hope that this collection of fiction, essays, poetry, and art will help you stay ‘in touch’ with the soil from which you grow, knowing fully that our differences and disconnects are part of what connects us all.

Editor-in-Chief & Managing Editor, Volume 48