Ear to the Ground: a brief and unhelpful guide to navigating UTM
After a year away, it’s hard to remember the everyday twists of campus life.

After a year and a half away from campus, due to an enduring global pandemic, it’s safe to say that not many will remember or have experienced the UTM in-person before the pandemic. As we anticipate the possibility of a return to campus this fall, here are some of the often forgotten and unknown kernels of advice to navigate our campus.

Starting with the William G. Davis building—a construction that is a hallmark of the campus’ history and a stark reminder that North American architecture in the ‘60s really channeled the Cold War ‘vibe.’ It’s built like a maze, with hallways and corridors that seem to shift and change like the staircases of Hogwarts. So, pay attention to the maps and give yourself time to find your class because only those versed in the twists and turns of the old brick and concrete walls will find their way successfully. Finding your way is especially important in Davis, as you want to avoid the upper floors where the occasional ghost of a student roams the flickering halls and whispers about their failing GPA.

Thankfully, getting around the other buildings on campus is much less perilous, except for one key utility: the elevators. The elevators in Davis, the Library, and the CCT building will occasionally break down and trap unsuspecting passengers. If you ever want to try your luck with elevator roulette, just remember that it takes several hours for them to free you from that metal prison.

Of course, my last piece of advice is one that should be obvious to most but is vital to your well-being and survival. Never pick a fight with a Canadian goose; they will win every time.

Until next time!

Aya Yafaoui

Do you have any advice or tips for surviving campus? Let us know by writing a Letter to the Editor on our website under “Connect” in the header or by emailing opinion@themedium.ca.

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