Exploring the meaning of data via the Data Sciences Institute Research Day 2023
Through participating in Research Day 2023, students will have the opportunity to network and connect with data science researchers.

On September 27, 2023, the Data Sciences Institute (DSI) will host its first Data Science Research Day for students. The event will showcase the work of the DSI community and connect specialists in data science from academia, industry, and government with each other.

The event will be held in person from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Medical and Related Science (MaRS) Auditorium in Toronto. The DSI community network will be discussing the fields of data science, their applications, and new discoveries in the field through various presentations and discussions.

The DSI is a part of U of T’s initiative to provide a “central hub” for all data science research and innovation to the community. They strive to implement new methodologies and applications through a “training-focused environment.” This includes fostering new knowledge and asking questions that drive social change. 

Many speakers will be at the event to showcase their contributions to the field of data sciences. Dr. Manuel García-Herranz, the chief scientist at UNICEF Office of Innovation, will be a keynote speaker at the event. 

The event will also include “Lighting Talks” in which professors and leaders in the world of data science will allocate their time to discuss specific topics dedicated to helping students and the DSI community explore the field of data science. Topics include “Data for Social Good” and “Methodologies in Novel Applications.” There will also be a panel discussion focusing on “Data for an Effective Workforce.” Furthermore, there will be poster presentations by DSI trainees, doctoral fellows, and more, sharing their journeys through their research in their respective fields. 

The Medium spoke with DSI Director, Professor Lisa Strug. She explained that “Research Day plays a pivotal role in uniting the DSI community, offering a platform to showcase ongoing research and fostering valuable connections with external stakeholders.” 

Professor Strug mentioned that the event will “feature external partners and community stakeholders as attendees, speakers, and exhibitors, reflecting the DSI’s core mission to accelerate the impact of data sciences across disciplines. [Their objective is] to address pressing societal questions and drive positive social change.” 

This year the Research Day, as described by Professor Strug, “Marks [its] inaugural event featuring prominent voices and leaders in data science. This gathering will provide a collaborative platform for academia, industry, and government collaborators to come together.” Students can utilize this opportunity to learn about the field of data sciences, stay up-to-date with its changes and advancements, and engage in interactive discussions with the field’s leaders.

With the event fast approaching, Professor Strug mentions that Data Sciences Institute Research Day will be a recurring event. Details about next year’s Research Day will be announced on the DSI website. Students and the rest of the U of T community are encouraged to visit their website for updates on future events and activities.  

Staff Writer (Volume 49); Associate News Editor (Volume 48)Razia Saleh is currently completing a Biology degree at UTM. She has been involved with The Medium since 2020 as a contributor and continued to write for The Medium as an Associate News Editor during Volume 48. She hopes that her experience as a writer with The Medium will help her contribute to society's efforts to provide authentic and factual journalistic media to educate her readers. She hopes to take her interest in ongoing research within the scientific field and explore ways to share it with others through this platform. In her spare time, she paints natural landscapes inspired by her travels and enjoy a few live concerts throughout the year. You can connect with her on Linkedin.

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