Until we meet again: Our thanks to you


It has been a pleasure working alongside you all. Believe it or not, even as editors, we are working on our writing and editing skills as are you and so, I am extremely grateful for all that I have learned from you. I can only hope that you have learned a bit from me too. I started The Medium with no intention of making it this far but to be quite honest, I am glad that it did. This experience has directed me to many amazing and skilled writers and editors that I have had the pleasure of getting to know. It’s been a wild ride, but I am grateful for every moment of it. I hope to see you all advancing your incredible work with The Medium as I will most definitely continue reading articles and merrily cheering you on.

Contributors: May Alsaigh (23) Razia Saleh (23) Larry Lau (21) Anjalli Becharbhai (19) Shreya Joshi (8) Hema Ramnarine (5) Colin Chau (3) Haya Abu Ghosh (3) Dalainey Gervais (2) Isik Vera Senel (2) Lydia Clarke Rehman (2) Caroline Mekhaeil (2) Sukaina Rizvi (2) Kareena Kailass (1) Hadeel Rashed (1) Marisa Capano (1) Aroni Sarkar (1) Louis Lam (1) Jonathan Divine Angubua (1) Amanda Liu (1) Maryam Patel (1) Suhanee Sood (1) Reagan Roopnarine (1) Nicole Judd (1) Kiara Senanayake (1) Mikael Syed (1)

— May Alsaigh, News Editor (Volume 48)


Dear Opinion Writers, 

Thank you so much for sharing your voice, perspectives, and opinions on the most important issues that matter most to us all. I truly appreciate your vulnerability and creativity in expressing your viewpoints. It has been an absolute pleasure and privilege to grow alongside you and see your work flourish this year. Every week, I was thrilled to read a listicle of great historical figures, excited to read the latest satire and column piece, and humbled to read an analysis of global political issues. I hope you all continue to write and share your voice with the world, and I am excited to see everything you have to offer in the future. 

Dear Opinion Readers, 

I hope you enjoyed reading all the various opinions and perspectives published in Opinion this year. I hope Opinion provided a safe space for discussions on important subjects, and representation of various communities. I truly appreciate your engagement with the section through Letters to the Editor, submissions to the columns, and comments on the issues raised in our articles. Thank you for supporting all the contributors to Opinion and The Medium. 

Contributors: Aroni Sarkar (9) Elizabeth Provost (12) Elisa Nguyen (1) Miguel DaSilva (1) Kareena Kailass (14) Aya Yafaoui (12) Haya Abu Ghosh (10) Hamna Riaz (7) Aia Jaber (7) Erin Delaney (7) Faiza Sattar (3) Serena Uribe (3) Simran Rattanpal (3) Hadeel Rashed (3) Hema Ramnarine (3) Bilaal Mohamed (2) Kiara Senanayake (2) Maryam Patel (1) Madison Ireland (1) Mahnoor Khurram (1) Maria A. (1) Larissa Fleurette Ho (1) Waghma Ahamdzay (1) Gordane Calloo (1) Shahed Ebesh (1) Lexey Burns (1) Liayana Jondy (1) Shreya Joshi (1) Jonathan Divine Angubua (1) Julia Skoczypiec (1) Mariela Sol Torroba Hennigen (1) Nawshin Nawal Abanti (1) Jordan Johnson (1) Anaam Khan (1) Dellannia Segreti (1) Selen Onculoglu (1) Paige France (1) Ananya Aditya (1) Sabrina Ahmadi (1) Lydia Clarke Rehman (1) Khadija Hosseini (1) Larry Lau (1) Mikael Syed (1)

— Aroni Sarkar, Opinion Editor (Volume 48)


I still remember the first time I got published in The Medium. I rushed to the Student Centre on my skateboard, grabbed an issue from the Student Centre stand, and flipped to my article in the Features section. Picking up that issue was the first time I felt part of a larger community. The first time I found my true passion for journalism. To me, The Medium is a place that connects and engages students. A place that informs readers, strengthens bonds, and builds trust. 

Dear Features Writers, 

Thank you for telling stories that highlight our diverse, compassionate, and talented community. Thank you for sharing relatable stories that brought a fresh, in-depth, and meaningful perspective to our readers. Thank you for a year full of amazing pieces. 

I hope you all continue to grow as readers, researchers, and writers. 

Dear Features Readers, 

Thank you for investing your time and energy into our newspaper. Thank you for being part of the conversation. The Medium’s goal is to cater stories that make you feel heard, understood, and appreciated. A platform where you can share your opinion, tell your story, and find your voice. 

I hope you enjoyed and resonated with all the articles published in the Features section this year. Thank you all for making my dreams come true. My time at The Medium has been an unforgettable one.

Contributors: Ricardo Jaroslav Valdes (3) Elizabeth Provost (1)  Elisa Nguyen (1) Aroni Sarkar (1) Dalainey Gervais (17) Maneka Nuckchady (10) Hema Ramnarine (6) Kareena Kailass (3) Lou-Anne Carsault (3) Louis Lam (3) Amanda Liu (2) Hamna Riaz (2) Irtaqa Arif (2) Kiara Senanayake (2) Sherene Almjawer (2) Paige France (2) Yash Mali (2) Larry Lau (2) Lydia Clarke Rehman (2) Amani Al-Dailami (1) Rutwa Engineer (1) Faiza Sattar (1) Serena Uribe (1) Rain Moh (1) Rosie Cotton (1) M. Gate (1) Shreya Joshi (1) Alice Fanny Han (1) Jonathan Divine Angubua (1) Wid Al-Zahraa Al-Khafaji (1)  Liayanna Jondy (1) Abdullah Sher (1) Massa Mohamed Ali (1) Haya Abu Ghosh (1) Nadya Suadi (1) Shazreh Salam (1)

— Ricardo Jaroslav Valdes, Features Editor (Volume 48)

Arts & Entertainment

To all the A&E writers and readers, I cannot thank you enough for all the support you have given to Volume 48 of The Medium. It has been such a pleasure to be your Arts & Entertainment Editor this year, and I am forever grateful for the opportunity. I love A&E because I believe it is a reflection of our generation and our evolution. It was so exciting to see everyone’s insights and recommendations week after week, and I will miss reading all the articles. 

To my wonderful associates Aidan and Ciera, as well as my lovely Theatre Erindale Correspondent Julia, a huge thank you for your hard work this year. Your articles have never failed to amaze me, and it has been an absolute joy working with you all. To The Medium team, thank you for the endless support and love. I am so proud of the amazing things we have accomplished this year, and I am happy to have met you all. 

I have had an amazing three years with The Medium, and it is crazy to think that another volume is coming to an end. Thank you once again, everyone. I hope you have found something to take away from Arts and Entertainment this year. I wish you all the best of luck in your endeavours, and I look forward to seeing how The Medium will grow!  

Contributors: Danica Teng (3) Elizabeth Provost (2) Elisa Nguyen (1) May Alsaigh (2) Aroni Sarkar (1) Ricardo Jaroslav Valdes (1) Duaa Nasir (1) Hayden Mak (1) Aidan Thompson (10) Ciera Couto (7) Julia Skoczypiec (9) Paige France (9) Dalainey Gervais (8) Shruti Kamath (8) Dagale Mohammed (6) Serena Uribe (6) Komalroop Kaler (5) Lexey Burns (5) Sidra Durrani (4) Kiara Senanayake (4) Sherene Almjawer (4) Delaney Rombough (3) Whitney Buluma (3) David Krzecko (2) Kaitlyn Matthews (2) Shreya Joshi (2) Maggie Ng (2) Karissa Harrypersad (2) Alisa Samuel (2) Nadya Suadi (1) Sherry Eskander (1) Andrew Paul (1) Olivia Sierakowski (1) Mahera Islam (1) Louis Lam (1) Meghna Parhar (1) Michael Cheaito (1) Hana Khan (1) Ananya Aditya (1) Bilaal Mohamed (1) Gabriel Philippe (1) Ahmed Azeemuddin (1) Ayomide Bayowa (1) Moradeyo Adeniyi (1) Shahed Ebesh (1) Faiza Sattar (1) Nicole Judd (1) Lillie Nadeau (1) Kareena Kailass (1) Daanish Alvi (1) Roy Han (1)

— Danica Teng, Arts & Entertainment Editor (Volume 48)

Sports & Health

Working as a Section Editor at The Medium was an engaging and enjoyable experience, and one that will definitely stand out during my time at UTM. We had a hard-working and dedicated team of writers, editors, and designers who published incredible content every single week. I am grateful for this opportunity and wish everyone I worked with the best for their future.

Dear S&H Writers, 

Thank you for writing, sharing your ideas, and providing me with the opportunity to work with all of you. I loved working on the Sports & Health section and communicating with all of you over the past year. 

You all produced a wide array of amazing pieces and I know I learned a lot about different people, concepts, and ideas when I read and edited your work. I encourage you to continue sharing your stories with the world in the future! 

Dear S&H Readers, 

Thank you all for your time and for supporting The Medium. During these isolated times, I hope our work gave you something to smile about, ponder over, or look forward to during the week. 

I know that seeing any of you with a copy of The Medium or reading your comments on our website improved my day. I hope you all continue to read The Medium and be part of our community at UTM!  

Contributors: Duaa Nasir (4) Elisa Nguyen (1) Anjalli Becharbhai (10) Robert Bui (10) Dellannia Segreti (7) Kareena Kailass (5) Omar Khan (5) Lexey Burns (4) Dalainey Gervais (3) Alisa Samuel (3) Whitney Buluma (1) Shreya Joshi (1) Julia Skoczypiec (1)

— Duaa Nasir, Sports & Health Editor (Volume 48)


I first found out about The Medium during Clubs Week at the beginning of my first year. Stopping by The Medium booth, I was immediately interested in the Photos Section, as I could make use of the DSLR I brought along with me from Hong Kong. After the chance encounter with The Medium, I served as the Associate Photos Editor for two years and this year as the Photos Editor. 

It has been a very fun time submitting photos for The Medium these past three years and curating photos as the Photos Editor. My time at The Medium has allowed me to cover events and got me out of my comfort zone to approach my friends for photographs about various topics that The Medium would be covering that week.

With the end of Volume 48, I will be stepping down as Photos Editor. I’ve found my time at The Medium very memorable and hope to contribute as a volunteer next year. Looking ahead, I will be brushing up my knowledge for interviews for the software engineering field, as well as continuing to pursue photography as a hobby.

Thank you to all contributing photographers—our issues would not be possible without you. I am grateful to have gotten the chance to work with you. 

Contributors: Hayden Mak (45) Samira Karimova (23) Simrah Siddiqui (13) Shreya Joshi (12) Gladys Lou (8) Nicole Judd (5) Serena Uribe (4) Moradeyo Adeniyi (3) Louis Scheffer V (2) Carisse Samuel (2) Mahnoor Khurram (2) Irtaqa Arif (1) Lydia Clarke Rehman (1) Samar Lidhar (1) Larissa Gollega (1)

— Hayden Mak, Photos Editor (Volume 48)

One Comment

  1. Thank you for including my work in the final issue guys! Glad to have been a part of this paper this year!

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