A semester with icy potential
Time to make snow angels while contemplating your purpose in university.

Ah, the Canadian winter! Full of hazardous ice, chilling winds, and most of all, tonnes of snow. All around campus you’ll find heaps of snow on the banks of parking lots, sidewalks, and streets. It’s a shame to let all this snow brown and melt away without having used some of it to better our lives as students. So, allow me to suggest a few winter activities that’ll bring some fun to our gloomy, winter campus. 

If you’re the creative type languishing in the desolate landscape of slush, consider building some snow-people modelled after your professors. Capture their true essence in snow, make them short, tall, mean, nice, goofy, or as meh as their monotone voices and “minimalist” slides. While you’re creating art, you could also write a message in the snow for your professor, telling them how you really feel about that last test question. 

On the flip side, if you’re hoping to feel something again, try grabbing a box and tobogganing down the hills around UTM, speeding over the black ice and weaving in and out of people and traffic. Whether you get hit by a bus or get to the end safely, you’re sure to feel something. If you want a less dangerous activity, you could also gather a few friends and have a snowball fight, the snow that falls inside your shirt and down your back will surely shock you back to the present.    

Of course, if you’re looking for something more chill, I’d suggest making snow angels. Staring up at the grey sky as you move your arms and legs is a perfect place to contemplate why you even decided to come to university, and how overpriced all the coffee is on campus. In fact, my favourite winter activity is to have a few friends bury me in the snow. The weight and warmth of the snow on top of me feels like a weighted blanket, and not having to go back to studying is a great perk too. 

Whatever you decide to do this winter, remember that the snow doesn’t go away until April, so take advantage of it while its around. 

Until next time!

Aya Yafaoui

Managing Editor (Volume 51); Opinion Editor (Volume 50) — Aya is a recent UTM graduate, having double majored in Political Science and Sociology. She’s worked at The Medium for five years, starting in Volume 46 as a Staff Writer, then becoming Opinion Editor for Volume 47, serving as a Columnist for Volume 48, reprising her role as Opinion Editor for Volume 50, and now acts as Managing Editor for Volume 51. Aya’s passionate about engaging in robust, thoughtful, and meaningful discussions through writing and hopes that the UTM student body will join her in doing so!

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