Welcome to “Out with the Old” – Editor’s Note
All throughout our unique, individual journeys, we seek ever-lasting familiarity—a special person, a long-lived passion, weekly Sunday brunches with the family. But in reality, the only constant is change. The only feature that will always be part of our existence is nature’s need to alter its course—often when we least want it.
Change can be a beautiful element of history, and it can leave us longing for what once was. We cry over our ex-partners for the tender love they gave us, we yearn for the childhood innocence we once had, we crave the awe and compassion felt in a simpler time—sentiments embedded throughout Aidan and Aia’s pieces. We spend somber hours reminiscing about the secret devotion and care our grandparents blessed us with—their ethereal stories immortalized in writing with Julia, Liz, and Juliana’s heartfelt entries. We grow to forget objects—once loved and used every day, as seen in Manjot’s imaginative piece. We miss what we no longer have, and we miss the people we can no longer touch or hear.
At the same time, we may be excited to accept change—purging ourselves of toxicity, unhappiness, and fear. The ability to shed our old skin and become new, prouder versions of ourselves is an example of welcoming change, as written in Kareena and Maneka’s pieces. Innovative progression within the workplace encourages new perspectives and healthier lifestyles, as seen in Belicia’s article. And the beauty behind architectural and institutional development is evident in Samira’s photo essay.
Welcome to “Out with the Old,” a magazine that can be interpreted in a multitude of ways, and one that pairs with our next Medium Magazine iteration coming in the spring. Many aspects of life are fleeting. By preserving our experiences and history in print, we freeze time. Encouraging and accepting change can be an inner battle, filled with the fear of losing touch with the old and enjoying the new. The possibility of forgetting the people and experiences we leave behind can be anxiety-inducing, but today, we try to remember. And there will always be a yearning for crumbs of the past, while embracing the new, but there’s excitement in the unexpected, and we can’t wait to experience it with you.