UTM student life and fasting
How are Ramadan and Lent are changing the habits of UTM students?
The lifestyles of many UTM students have shifted recently due to the start of Ramadan and Lent. Both of these religious fasts provide their share of benefits, but also pose challenges to the daily routine of many students.
Ramadan, a month when Muslims don’t eat or drink between dawn and sunset, started on March 1 and ends March 30. It’s a time for Muslims to come closer to Allah (God), focus on spirituality, do good, and connect with the community. Studies have shown that fasting for Ramadan triggers “a cascade of physiological changes that lead to long-term health benefits.”
Some students are varying their sleep schedule to wake up for suhoor (meal before sunrise) or, like UTM student Ali Asad, nap through the day when they’re thirsty. Community is strengthened for others because mosque trips are more frequent and students have been sharing iftar (meal after sunset) with friends and family. Coordinating meals with the sunrise and sunset has been shown to improve sleep patterns which means better energy levels and mental clarity. Other health benefits provided by Ramadan include breaks for the digestive system, improved liver function, lower blood pressure, the release of brain-derived neurotrophic factor which helps your brain function better, and lower low-density lipoporotein (LDL) cholesterol.
“If I eat properly the night before, I feel more focused the next day because I’m not distracted by planning food or lunch,” said Bita Khaleghi, a UTM student fasting for Ramadan. “When it’s time to eat, I think more about what it is and try to make it nutritious.”
Adam Louati, a player on the UTM tri-campus soccer team who is fasting for Ramadan, commented about playing more conservatively and strategically during the game to preserve his energy, but generally just feeling calmer. Nejat Mursal Moalin, a student at UTM, also mentioned a similar approach to schoolwork, using her time and energy more strategically now that she is fasting.
Lent’s timing depends on when Easter Sunday is, but it always starts sometime between February 4 and March 10. Louati said his friend Paul is undergoing Lent at the same time and they “talked and bonded” over their overlapping fasts.
March 5 was Ash Wednesday, marking the first day of Lent for many Christians. Lenten fasting observances vary between denominations, but typically include a Lenten sacrifice that lasts for 40 days, mimicking the 40-day fast that Jesus spent in the desert.
Jada Mendonca, a Varsity Blues field hockey player, gave up junk food for Lent. “It tempts me a lot and to me the definition of Lent is to give up something tempting,” she admitted. Jada has also been replacing junk food with healthier alternatives like fruit and peanut butter.
Cedric Ngounou, a player on the tri-campus soccer team, gave up cursing for Lent. He said it can be a bit of a challenge. “When you play or when you train in an intense environment, sometimes you don’t really think about the things you’re saying.” Ngounou is focusing on communicating “with the same energy and same passion, but without swearing.” Like Khaleghi and Louati, Ngounou also mentioned feeling more grounded and in “a state of clarity” during this time of increased focus on spirituality.
Getting involved on campus
Resources for students following Lent and Ramadan are provided by UTM’s many clubs. Campus mass was held on Ash Wednesday by the UTM Catholics, and they have some other Lent-specific events which can be found on their Instagram page (@utmcatholics). The UTM Muslim Students’ Association (MSA) hosts weekly events year round, including special ones for Ramadan, which can be found on their Instagram page (@utmmsa). Looking forward, students will celebrate Eid al-Fitr on March 31, marking the end of their fasting period. Easter Sunday will be on April 20, marking the end of Lent.