Skateboarding Through UTM 
UTM’s skateboarding culture featuring the top 5 best spots to skate on campus.

Skateboarding Culture at UTM

Do you ever find yourself struggling to make it on time to your class at 1:10 pm in the Davis building from your class that ends at 1:00 pm in IB? Or maybe you just never account for how long it takes to walk through the CCT building and DV link at 2:00 pm on a Wednesday. Whatever your commute to and around campus looks like, it’s fair to say that it takes up a good portion of time. But what if there was a way to reach different areas on campus in a faster, and more enjoyable way? Well, the answer might be a small platform on wheels: skateboarding.

Skateboarding at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) is a cost-effective way to traverse campus in a timely manner. It doesn’t require gas or battery power like automobiles or electric transportation devices do. It simply requires a willing rider. Although there are not as many skateboarders on campus as there were 10 or 20 years ago, you may still see some of these willing riders skating to class or doing tricks on rails. The skateboarding community is welcoming and always looking for fellow skaters to ride with. The security guards and other staff members at UTM allow skateboarding on campus. Just make sure that you are only riding outdoors and doing so safely! If not, you may be told to step off and hold your board until you are outside. 

Even if you feel you are not skilled enough and therefore not comfortable riding a skateboard around campus, there are some areas to train at UTM. 

The 5 Best Spots to Skate at UTM 

If you are interested in becoming a part of the skateboarding culture at UTM, here are some of the best spots to meet like-minded individuals and practice your skills. Gui Qu, a student and skateboarding enthusiast at UTM, has compiled a list of the top five skateboarding spots he’s come across during his time on campus. The locations are listed in no particular order.

1. Kaneff Centre / Innovation Complex (KN)

The Second Cup entrance to the Kaneff Centre provides the perfect place for beginner and advanced skaters. The steps to approach the building are connected to square ledges. The square ledges allow for different types of grinds and slides. 

2. Maanjiwe nendamowinan (MN)

Similar to the Second Cup entrance of the Kaneff Centre, the main entrance to MN has square ledges and stairs. According to Gui Qu, both MN and KN are great for grinds, slides, manuals, kickflips, tre flips, and heelflips. The one downside to this location is that it can get busy and space might be limited.

3. CCT Underground Parking Lot

The parking lot underneath the CCT building is a secluded location to practice and master some flat-ground tricks. The ability to skate here may be impacted by the number of parked cars. Try getting there early in the morning or in the evening to have more space to ride. 

4.  CCT and William G. Davis Building (DV) Link

On the outer side of the CCT and DV link, there is a wide set of stairs that make a V-like shape. The area is relatively secluded from the UTM public. It makes for a great place to skate, but also to have some semi-private time on campus with friends.

5. IB Subway Entrance

Last but definitely not least, is the Subway entrance to IB. When you face the doors, there is an area on the right that has stairs and ledges. “[The Subway entrance] is perfect for crooked grinds, feeble grinds, and smith grinds,” said Qu. 

That being said, there are some skate stoppers on a few platforms and areas around campus that would otherwise make for great skate spots. Qu provides two examples of these unique areas, such as the double set stairs at the DV entrance where busses pass by, and the slanted ledge at the MN entrance.

Even so, UTM has plenty of spaces and structures that are now skated on by students and staff. Whether you’re new to skateboarding or have long mastered the kick-flip, there’s a community at UTM waiting to skate with you. 

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