
Poetry Corner

We Dream of Memories
Veruca Medland

We dream of memories we’d rather forget

An insider’s peek at the cavernous mind

In our dreams we can whisper what we can’t say

And unconsciously retell our life’s story

Of a single moment that meant the world

We dream of the smallest interactions

We dream while we sleep

And while we’re awake

Dreams that take us to a better place

We dream of people we wish we’d forget

We dream of people we can’t help but remember

We dream of memories

The good and the bad

We dream of memories

That make us who we are

when the lamp looks weird
Keira Johannson

we were running hand in hand through 

the aisles of IKEA and for a split second 

I looked over at you and wondered if you knew 

that I was imagining a life with you in every room

of us cooking homemade pasta in the kitchen 

with the ceramic teal backsplash and pouring a 

glass of wine or two and kicking back on the sofa — 

an unfinished game of chess on the wooden coffee table — 

and you’d grab my hand in yours and kiss it 

the way you do and I would mentally add 

everything from the catalogue to my wish list

so I could save that moment in time forever

but then that split second would pass and 

I’d look to my right at the stand-up lamp with an 

unfamiliar swedish name as it flickers not once, 

not twice, but three times and suddenly the edges 

of my vision would blur and your hand which was 

once in mine would dissolve into a distant memory

Arts & Entertainment Editor (Volume 51); Staff Writer (Volume 50) — Keira is going into her fourth year at UTM pursuing a double major in Communications, Culture, Information, and Technology (CCIT) and Professional Writing and Communications (PWC). When she’s not working or studying, you can find her nose deep in a good literary fiction novel, writing movie reviews on Letterboxd, or even training for the marathon that never seems to actually happen! You can connect with Keira on Instagram or LinkedIn.

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