New Year’s Day 2.0: Why everyone is on their fitness grind this September
Attending a fitness class or playing a sport can be a great place to meet friends, destress, and find that extra boost of motivation to do your course readings.

I like to think of September as New Year’s Day 2.0. — our second chance at fulfilling those goals we set nearly ten months ago. As we wrap up the first weeks of classes, I’m sure you’ve noticed a certain buzz in the air. It’s the buzz of the 2.0: students have returned to campus, fall classes have begun, and everyone is at the gym. As we head back into the routine of class schedules, weekly assignments, and late-night study sessions, it’s inevitable that we give those January fitness goals another shot as well.

As someone who works at the Recreation, Athletics and Wellness Centre (RAWC) welcome desk, the back-to-school gym promises are more evident than ever. Drop-in sport registrations are full to the brim, equipment rentals are all signed out, and suddenly everyone is asking to meet with a personal trainer. The RAWC has also made some positive changes to increase its usability this year, such as extending its hours and adding more inclusive group fitness classes.

Additionally, regular drop-in sports are now in full swing, also newly featuring a series of inclusive offerings. Without any varsity teams, UTM students are eager to get involved in alternative sports programs on campus. Whether it’s drop-in basketball in the gymnasiums or tennis on the outdoor courts, registrations have remained at capacity throughout the last two weeks. And if it’s not drop-in sports, it’s excitement about tri-campus tryouts or intramural sign ups.

As great as all this is, it does beg the question: How long will this last? What happens when the buzz is over? What happens at the end of the month when suddenly, amid piling papers and tests, you don’t find yourself prioritizing your fitness goals anymore?

Admittedly, even I am a victim of the 2.0. I find that the excitement of a new semester comes with the excitement of a “new” self, but also with the added pressure of keeping up with completely new routines. Over the last few weeks, I’ve been to the gym more than I had all summer. But even though I find myself building a stable routine, I still worry that I’m going to eventually crash out.

As students, consistency can be challenging, especially once we hit midterm season. We start to prioritize other responsibilities and going to the gym ends up moving to the bottom of our to-do lists. However, when it comes down to it, we all deserve a break to clear our minds of everyday stressors, and attending a fitness class or playing a sport can be great places to meet friends, destress, and find that extra boost of motivation to do your course readings.

So, as October slowly creeps up on us, consider giving yourself some grace. Don’t push yourself too hard in this first month that you burn yourself out for the rest of the year. If your semester course load is becoming too much, join one of the RAWC mindfulness classes like Hatha Yoga or Meditation & Movement to clear your mind. Or if you’re looking to make some new friends, swing by for one of the drop-in sports and maybe even organize an intramural team! If none of these are for you but you still want to embrace the campus sports culture, you can be a supportive fan at the upcoming tri-campus games. The options are endless and there are so many people on campus here to support you and your goals.

Arts & Entertainment Editor (Volume 51); Staff Writer (Volume 50) — Keira is going into her fourth year at UTM pursuing a double major in Communications, Culture, Information, and Technology (CCIT) and Professional Writing and Communications (PWC). When she’s not working or studying, you can find her nose deep in a good literary fiction novel, writing movie reviews on Letterboxd, or even training for the marathon that never seems to actually happen! You can connect with Keira on Instagram or LinkedIn.

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