Monotoned Me
I waited two years to go back in person because I was going crazy at home. I was tired of my every- day routine; wake up, eat, sit at my computer for twelve hours (maybe more), study and sleep—only to re- peat it all over again the next day, and the next, and the next.
The first few days of in person classes were fun, seeing the friends I hadn’t seen in two years, meeting people for the first time after talking to them online. But then the assessments started creeping up. Now it’s just midterm after midterm, assignment after assignment, and it’s overwhelming.
Then I realized—I am not a robot. Yes, school is important. Yes, I can’t fail that class again. Yes, my parents will be disappointed if I don’t do well. But I need a break.
I turned off my laptop, and reflected on my life. I painted my feelings, got lost in a book, pampered my skin, and Facetimed friends. Suddenly, everything fell into place, because I could see that I am more than my achievements, and I am worthy of self-care.