Ear to the Ground: Rebranding UTM
Sometimes you just need to change your name to fit your true authentic self.

If you’ve been on campus this year, you’ll have noticed that a notable institution at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) has rebranded and changed its name. The University of Toronto Campus Safety Special Constable Service, or Campus Safety for short, has replaced its previous label of Campus Police. The rebrand is meant to make the service more approachable for students and abide by provincial Bill 68, a law that “prohibits special constables from having the word ‘police’ in their name.” The hope is that the name change will symbolize a shift in the expectations and perceptions that surround campus security, while also emphasizing the role that campus safety officers are intended to fulfill. In the spirit of rebranding, I would like to propose new names for certain buildings and groups on campus that I feel better reflect their roles. 

I’ll begin with one of UTM’s oldest and most central structures, The William G. Davis building. Now, while naming the building after the former Ontario Premier is nice, I think a more fitting name would be The Patchwork building. If you’ve ever perused the lower-level halls of Davis, then you’ll know that every corner acts as a seam, binding different hallways together, changing bricks, floor materials, wall colours, and locker types. The new “face-lift” that was given to the front of the building also sticks out from the original vibe of the building, making it another element that was stitched on later. Other institutions I can rename are the Student Centre as The Lack of Student Life Centre; the library as the Procrastination Zone, and CCT as The Hallway. 

Of course, I can’t leave out prominent student groups on campus. The UTMSU could consider rebranding to the more transparent title of the Embezzlement Society. And as for our very own paper, The Medium, I believe the Local County Fair is an accurate descriptor of how we operate. So, come on down to The Lack of Student Life Centre and enjoy the fun!    

Until next time!

Aya Yafaoui

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