Dear kindergartener self. Sincerely, the almost graduate
“As you grow older and time passes, your feelings will change. Life is all about balance.”

Dear kindergardener self,

Hi! I hope you are having the best time in Serbia! Make sure to go to the zoo more (it’s in your neighbourhood, after all). Draw, play with your parakeet, and spend time with family and friends.

Who am I? I am your twenty-two-year-old self-reporting. That is seventeen years away! Crazy, right?

I would first like to tell you how truly remarkable you are. You are a kind, curious, and an intelligent little girl, and do not let anybody tell you otherwise. But I also want to advise you on some things you do not learn until you are a little—or a lot—older.

Two years from now, you will be moving to Canada. You will not know anyone nor understand any English (although you will major in it in university. Call it dramatic irony—you will not learn what that means until high school). You will get homesick, and interactions between your classmates will be awkward. But that’s okay. Do not give up. You’ll learn the language quickly and meet the best of friends with whom you are still in contact, even if you do not live in the same city anymore.

As time passes and you grow older, your feelings will change. Some situations will make you sad, and others happy. Along the way, you will experience true happiness and heartbreak. Life is all about balance.

Something I admire about you is that you know exactly who you are. Unfortunately, I forgot that along the way, so I had to relearn it. Hey, this shows that you can learn from your younger self, too!

Long story short, do not worry too much, kid. Everything turns out exactly right.


You, the almost graduate.

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