Falling into Comfort: The Aesthetic and Reflection of the Season
From warm drinks to fall fashion, discover why autumn is the season of comfort and change.

The weather is getting cooler, the leaves are turning brown, and it’s time to defrost your pair of Uggs. The end of summer not only marks the beginning of a new school year but also the arrival of fall. At this time of the year, many students settle into a sense of nostalgia and feelings of renewal as they make new goals and reflect on their lives. So, why do so many people find fall so comforting?

Our senses, especially our smell and taste, can powerfully immerse us into a situation. Seasonal drinks like the pumpkin spice latte and hot cider, a bowl of hearty soup, and anything cinnamon-related fills up our senses.

Just like you may be immersed in memories upon smelling a bottle of perfume you used to wear, smelling scents like cinnamon, pumpkin spice or salted caramel gives us a sense of comfort, marking the second harvest of the year. It’s a time when nature prepares for rest and we too instinctively slow down and reflect. Fall’s comfort can also be linked to the colours we are exposed to during this season. In psychology, the colour brown is often associated with security and safety, whereas the colour orange is associated with warmth, sensuality, and rejuvenation, aligning with the feelings of coziness and relaxation.

Fall is also the best season for the fashionistas. It is the time when people can truly express their personality through their outfits.

Summer is too hot to wear a leather jacket or knee-high boots and winter is too cold to not wear your bulky winter parka that covers your whole outfit. Fall’s weather, however, is the perfect mix of summer and winter, allowing you to layer your basic white tee with an oversized leather jacket and maybe a burgundy scarf around your neck to make your outfit stand out. But as fun as fall might be, seasonal trends often raise some concerns about consumerism and fast fashion.

Many people get the urge to buy new things or add new pieces to their closets when the season switches, even if they already have similar ones around their homes. These practices often lead to environmental impacts that contribute to waste and depletion of resources. The pressure to keep up with trends can overshadow the joy of authentic self-expression, leading us to prioritize fleeting trends over sustainability and genuine self-expression. This cycle not only harms the environment but also disconnects us from the true essence of fall.

Falling leaves, shorter days, and cooler nights are all signs of renewal in the circle of nature. Naturally, our bodies seize the opportunity to reflect on our own natural cycles as we retrospect on the achievements of the past year and anticipate the future. Moreover, with changing weather to lower temperatures, people prefer staying in and keeping warm, which is perfect for moments of solitude, nostalgia, and practicing gratitude for all the amazing experiences and memories the year has brought you. Unlike the busy hustle of summer, autumn offers a natural pause, encouraging introspection and personal growth. Many find this time as a “mini New Year,” where the falling leaves symbolize shedding old habits and making room for renewal. The cooler air prompts us to cozy up with our thoughts, fostering a sense of clarity. Fall allows us to reconnect with our aspirations, setting the stage for self-improvement as we move into the winter months.

As the season of reflection and self-improvement, fall serves as the best time to start new hobbies and explore creative pursuits. The slower pace of the season naturally encourages introspection and the desire to explore new interests. We are motivated to welcome change in our own lives by the changes we see in nature. Fall’s cozy atmosphere is conducive to reflection and creative expression.

The appeal of fall lies in its ability to evoke comfort, creativity, and reflection. Warm aromas, bright colours, and comfy clothing create a special ambience that invites us to embrace change and slow down. Fall brings a sense of stability and nostalgia, reminding us of nature’s cycle and our desire for rest and renewal. Whether we’re layering up or drinking a pumpkin spice latte, it’s the ideal season for self-expression and reinvention, as a time to consider personal development, take up new interests, and get back in touch with our true selves.

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