Poetry Corner

My Neighbour’s Garden

By Maryam Raheel, Contributor

My neighbour’s garden blossoms with summer’s palette,

Her yard an assortment of each month’s ripest pick,

But August 1st goes by with no fresh peaches on my porch,

And July’s blueberries still brim the bowls by the sink.

My neighbour’s garden is absent of its attentive owner,

Though who could argue against summer’s ceaseless sun,

The heavy heat that lingers even in the darkening sky,

Warns of an impending change that can’t be undone.

My neighbour’s garden scatters with fallen white flowers,

Pollinated bushes sprout familiar blue along their branches,

“The weather is changing, the bees feel it too,” she says,

“Under the heat some flourish, others lose their chances.”

My tongue purples from the endless supply of berries,

August’s peaches still absent from this summer’s selection,

In the garden’s silence, nature shares a glimpse of alarm,

Is this failed moment a one-off or a need for further inspection?

Whispers in the Rustling Trees

By Debbie Wong, Contributor

Golden leaves fall, like memories lost in the breeze, 

Whispers of time, carried through the rustling trees. 

Mother Earth, your beauty lingers, slow and deep, 

Cradling me in your arms while the world falls asleep. 

Fires in the distance burn red against the night, 

Fading echoes of summer, slipping out of sight. 

I walk alone beneath your shadowed skies, 

Kiss me hard before you go – autumn never lies. 

Harvest moon hangs low, pulling tides of regret, 

Yet in your quiet, I find solace, I forget. 

Thank you for this fleeting time, this delicate grace, 

For the love that blooms in every forgotten place.

Call of Mother Nature

By Milica Samardzic, Contributor

In many cultures, nature is worshiped.

Nature preserves life, nature is honored. 

Tree’s sway, their colorful leaves admired.

Fish drift, their movements in the water graceful. 

The animals play, the predators catch their prey. 

The insects continue to buzz quietly in the summer air. 

But as time passes, the world begins to change. 

Mother Nature becomes concerned, she screams “beware!”

Earth starts to warm, the Trees cry as they are set on fire. 

Storms become troubled; their anger takes them higher.  

The land dries up, the people riot. 

Food is gone, the situation is dire.

The Oceans are upset, the Corals want their revenge.

But like Pandora’s Box, there is hope at the end of the tunnel.

Humanity must come together if we want to end this struggle. 

Protecting nature is our duty, the Mother’s beauty and life we must preserve.

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