Searching for treasure—the study room jackpot
A witty review of the best study spots on campus.

Who else is tired of scouring for a study cubicle in the library? I certainly am. Worry not, there are countless other rooms, chairs, and spaces to open your laptops, type your essays that are due in an hour, or cram those last-minute notes before your test. 

Maanjiwe nendamowinan (MN) houses an abundance of rooms to explore. There’s an unwritten rule: if you see an empty room, it’s yours. Don’t search for these spots during lecture hours, as they’re always in use, but after 5 p.m., you can usually find a room for yourself and some friends. MN has a dedicated study space, room 3285—just take the spiral stairs up to the third floor and make a right. The room has large glass panels and white cubicles to claim, giving the space a modern and quiet atmosphere. Small couches and “reflection spaces” are scattered around the building. But, maybe you want to study somewhere more scenic and exciting. On the fourth floor of MN, through the doors by the stairs, there is a balcony that reveals a beautiful view of our autumn trees. 

Deerfield Hall (DH), MN’s sister building, tries to copy MN but in a smaller way. DH has a dedicated study space on the second floor in room 2080, on the right of the elevator. She places chairs, couches, and reflection spaces around her floors, embracing us in her glory.  

Do you mind noise? A hidden spot on campus would be the Oscar Peterson Hall’s dining hall. Students outside of residence often miss exploring this building, so this one’s a secret gem for many. I haven’t visited the building once in my four years here—until now. The old-school style cafeteria contains open tables and chairs. It’s similar to Davis, but less modern, a little smaller, and much quieter. 

Maybe you want somewhere quiet and isolated? Try the Health Science Complex. It’s the large glass building between the Communication Culture and Technology (CCT) building and the Davis building. There are wooden seats, and at the back rest some small, black, circular tables. The glass wall has a view of construction but trust me, it’s quiet. 

And that’s not all. Here are a few of my most honorable mentions: the Red Room in the Student Centre, the Kaneff study rooms, the quiet area at the back of the Davis food court, the second floor of CCT, and the study rooms and chairs in the Instructional Building.

And the rest is up to you. Once you start to explore more spots on campus, you’ll find the space that suits your needs best. Good luck!

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